an effort to translate a piece of al-mawakib by Jibran Khalil Jibran
And then April passes away
which lives in the spring
Give me the flute and sing,
The lament of the flute lingers
Did you take to the woods like me?
Did you follow the canales?
Did you bathe in the fragrance of the flowers?
Did you drink the dawn's red wine?
Did you sit down for a meal like me
(where) the wine grapes were hanging?
For the thirsty they are a source for water
They are honey, they are fragrance
Did you make a bed of grass in the night
Forgetful of what lies ahead?
Give me the flute and sing
Nothing but people in line
No, there is no grave within
Happiness will not die with him
Like he who lived through ages
The song is the secret of existence
after existence ceases to be
a campsite without castles
You climbed the rocks
You dried yourself in the sunlight
In cups of the most precious
among the grapevines
like chandeliers of gold
Food for those who are hungry
Wine for those who wish
You wrapped the universe around you
forgetful of what had passed
And Man is the illness and the cure
as you were made to repent
but through water