Midnight birthday run

Hello my dear
You shining hot new born star
Yes you, beloved
whose attention I can draw
Let me reach you with these words
Let me touch you with them
I wish them to be palpable against your skin
like the smooth hard stones I used to collect as a little girl
and stroke against my chin
Around that time when I collected almost everything
soaps, erasers, lizards (yes, live ones), the pink umbrellas you put in a drink
Yes, I collected almost anything
L'heure bleu is here
The sky is so blue, it's almost endless
yet the swedish summer night is anything but endless
it just feels like it is
soon, the birds will awake
and the day will begin once again
as if the night was only a short parenthesis
I ran half way home
I tied my kaffiya around my hair, and ran
Until I found a rickety wreck of a bike
and rode it the other half
I can't believe it worked
The tires were flat and almost all the spokes were gone from the back wheel
Yet I felt like I was flying home
must be magic
Yes, it must be magic
and I must have been drunk
No, erase that, I was definitely drunk
we lingered underneath the heavy trees in the garden
There were small tables with red-checkered tablecloths
We had cool wine, food, and drinks
(and an honest-to-God to-die-for orgasmic Daiquiri! Thank you, Sir!)
The sun so slowly setting
painting the old stone houses in gold, abricot and terracotta
a smooth caress of a wind rustling in the balcony flowers opposite of the street
It was one of them evenings you wish would never end
Yes, great friends,
I'll never forget you
No matter where I go and whom I meet
Y'all make me want to get plastered
and write really bad poetry

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