Hör här:
"Blaming the worlds most visible conflicts on a clash of civilizations is hard to resist. We eagerly seek and cling to reasons for the things we see, and the simpler and more sweeping the reasons, the better. From simmering tension to full-blown war, Islam and the West seem to have irreconcilable differences that can be ascribed to incompatible cultures. Best to fight it out, get it over with, and move on to the next test. Further clashes loom; China awaits. And beyond China ... who knows? For the bellicose, this may be a comfortable worldview, but it is so simplistic that to use it as a basis for policymaking is unforgivably lazy and almost certain to produce tragic results."
Om jag nånsin får tummen ur röven för att bli en forskare/författare, så är det så jag vill skriva, enkelt och brutalt med ett minimum av skitsnack.